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The Charity BBQ & Chili Competition is a fund raiser hosted by the Firefighters Charity Alliance of Central Florida. This fund raiser helps fund our Florian Fund. This fund provides financial assistance to local firefighters enduring catastrophic crisis such as PTSD and cancer treatments. We want this event to be fun for our participants as well as everyone who comes out to attend. The popularity of this event has really grown to be a premier food competition event in Central Florida. We have expanded the event even more this year and have added several fun events as well as community supportive events. We are pleased to announced we are approved as a Florida BBQ Association sanctioned event. We adopted most of the FBA rules for our past events, so our participants will find a similar format again this year. Please do not hesitate to contact our organizer with any questions.



GENERAL SUMMARY:   Booth Setup can begin on Friday if you choose, however must start no later than 7AM on Saturday. Cooking may begin at 7AM to be prepared to serve to the public at 2pm until 6pm.  Cooking must begin no later than 8AM. A team cook meeting is at 7:45am under the clock tower. You must prepare a 16 ounce thermal cup that will be provided to you for our judges to sample and rate for "Judges Choice". These cups must be turned in to the judges table at 11:30AM. Do not put any garnishes or toppings on your chili that you submit to the judges.

COOK ON SITE as much as you can. You can bring in partially prepped ingredients. Meat may be cooked prior to the event. Canned ingredients may be opened prior to event, however, all ingredients should be assembled on site of the contest. No rice or pasta.


PREPARE (ONE TYPE) minimum 7 Gallons or more of chili. We anticipate over 3,000 attendees that want to sample your chili and may vote for you. They can't vote for you if you run out of samples before they can try yours. We will provide 2 oz sample cups and spoons for your team to serve up your chili to the public. A few large crock pots work well but large cooking pots work even better when you are cooking in volume. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                      REQUIREMENTS:  Bring a table(s), chairs, TENT with tie-downs or sand bags (required), electric cords,electrical tape, and your own generator (if necessary) napkins, condiments (i.e. cheese, onions, crackers, hot sauce, etc.) if you wish, and signage and decorations for your booth.  A limited amount of tents available to rent if needed ($15 rental). We provide cups and spoons for tastings. Each team is given a 10 x 10 space to set up your tent and cooking area. We recommend to cook behind your tent and table set up.


JUDGING:  Guests pay a $10.00 entry fee to taste and judge chili entries and the BBQ competition in the general competition of all teams competing. Participating guests will have a wrist band to qualify to taste and judge your chili. Each registered guest will receive two tickets to vote in the chili competition and 2 tickets to vote in the BBQ competition.  Dropping a ticket in the jars at each booth will constitute a vote. Additional tickets can be purchased for $1 each. No limit on purchases of tickets. 


JUDGING BEGINS AT 2:00pm to the public and your turn in to the judges is 11:30AM. All winners announced at 7pm.


General Competition (Judges's Choice)

1st Place - $ 200 + trophy

2nd Place - Trophy

3rd Place - Medal

General Competition (People's Choice)

1st Place - $ 300 & trophy

2nd Place - $ 150

3rd Place -  $ 50

Rules, booth locations and prizes are subject to change by the host organization.

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