The Charity BBQ & Chili Competition is a fund raiser hosted by the Firefighters Charity Alliance of Central Florida. This fund raiser helps fund our Florian Fund. This fund provides financial assistance to local firefighters enduring catastrophic crisis such as PTSD and cancer treatments. We want this event to be fun for our participants as well as everyone who comes out to attend. The popularity of this event has really grown to be a premier food competition event in Central Florida. We have expanded the event even more this year and have added several fun events as well as community supportive events. We are pleased to announced we are approved as a Florida BBQ Association sanctioned event. We adopted most of the FBA rules for our past events, so our participants will find a similar format again this year. Please do not hesitate to contact our organizer with any questions.
When entering an appetizer consider the audience. While some spicy appetizers and sides are popular, this contest is about taste and appealing to the general attendees tasting.
The rules are simple.
The rules are pretty simple for this competition
Submit your description of what you are offering into the hospitality tent by 5PM on Friday.
Servings to the public must be ready by 6PM until 9PM or when you run out.
We will provide all teams 2 ounce cups and spoons to serve the samples in.
Prep a dish or appetizers or side that will serve a minimum of 200 small 2oz cup servings. This means a bite size for all those tastings
This competition will be PEOPLES CHOICE judging. This means make sure you have enough for everyone to sample. If you run out early, you hurt your chances of getting a vote. Event attendees will have tickets to drop in their favorite team’s jar.
Tastings will be at your individual tent. A sign and special indicator will let everyone know you are participating.
Ensure all tasters have a wristband on. If they do not have wrist band, they do not have a ticket to vote for you and you waste a sample.
Your submission may be an appetizer or a tasty side. Either are acceptable
You will receive 10 extra votes to your collected total for any dish that is Irish themed
Secret judges will anonymously sample all the offerings from the teams. These judges will pick their favorite one and the team that receives the most judge’s picks will receive 10 extra votes as a judge’s bonus.
Your only requirement for cooking: All dishes must be finished off or cooked in the smoker
Have fun with it! Everyone loves having a good time!
1st Place - $100
1st Place - $400
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